Every week there are two great opportunities to gather together with people similar to your age. During this time there is fellowship, Bible studies, praying, and outreach!
Read below to find more info!
D-life Groups are made up of 3-10 people that meet once a week to grow closer to Jesus and each other. Our time together consists of fellowship, reading the Bible, prayer and outreach. If you are interested click the button below to contact Cornerstone's Pastor of Discipleship and Ministries!
Life Groups meet every Sunday before the worship service. They are made up of 3-25 people that gather together to study God's word and pray for the community, world, and church. If you are interested click the button below to contact Cornerstone's Pastor of Discipleship and Ministries!
Walking By Faith Adult Life Group Starts at 9:00am every Sunday!
A time of fellowship with the women of Cornerstone and our community! Come out for a time to be refreshed and renewed! We meet every 1st Monday at 6:30 PM. We look forward to seeing you!